SCIFLI Mission Planning Checklist for New Missions
This document describes information required by the SCIFLI team to proceed with initial mission simulation and modeling.
HYTHIRM AIAA Papers from the 42nd Thermophysics Conference, June 27-30 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii.
AIAA 2011-3324 – Global Thermography of the Space Shuttle During Hypersonic Re-entry
AIAA 2011-3325 – A Vision of Quantitative Imaging Technology for the Validation of Advanced Flight Technologies
AIAA 2011-3326 – Remote Infrared Imaging of the Space Shuttle During Hypersonic Flight: HYTHIRM Mission Operations and Coordination
AIAA 2011-3327 – Assessment of CFD Hypersonic Turbulent Heating Rates for Space Shuttle Orbiter
An extensive list of publications concerning HYTHIRM, flight imagery, hypersonic testing and the user community.
1. Horvath, T. J., Tomek, D. M., Berger, K. T., Zalameda, J. N., Splinter, S. C., Krasa, P. W., Schwartz, R. j., Gibson, D. M., Tietjen, A. B., Tack, S., “The HYTHIRM Project: Flight Thermography of the Space Shuttle During Hypersonic Re-entry,” AIAA- 2010-241, January 2010.
2. Tack, S., Tomek, D. M., Horvath, T. J., Verstynen, H. A., and Shea, E. J., “Cast Glance Near Infrared Imaging Observations of the Space Shuttle during Hypersonic Re-entry,” AIAA Paper 2010-243, Jan. 2010.
3. Zalameda, J. N., Horvath, T. J., Tomek, D. M., Tietjen, A. B., Gibson, D. M., Taylor, J. C., Tack, S., Bush, B. C., Mercer, C.D., and Shea, E. J., “Application of a Near Infrared Imaging System for Thermographic Imaging of the Space Shuttle during Hypersonic Re-entry,” AIAA Paper 2010-245, Jan. 2010.
4. Gibson, D. M., Spisz, T. S., Taylor, J. C., Zalameda, J. N., Horvath, T. J., Tomek, D. M., Tietjen, A. B., Tack, S., and Bush, B.C., “HYTHIRM Radiance Modeling and Image Analyses in Support of STS-119, STS-125, and STS-128 Space Shuttle Hypersonic Re-entries,” AIAA Paper 2010-244, Jan. 2010.
5. Wood, W. A., Kleb, W. L., Tang, C. Y., Palmer, G. E., Hyatt, A. J., Wise, A. J., McCloud, P. L., “Comparison of CFD Predictions with Shuttle Global Flight Thermal Imagery and Discrete Surface Measurements,” AIAA Paper 2010-454, Jan. 2010.
6. Spisz, T. S., Taylor, J. C., Gibson, D. M., Kwame, O. W., Horvath, T. J., Zalameda, J. N., Tomek, D. M., Berger, Tietjen, A.B., Tack, S., and Schwartz, R. J., “Processing near-infrared imagery of hypersonic space shuttle reentries,” Thermosense XXXII Conference at 2010 SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Symposium, 5-9 April 2010, Orlando, FL, Paper 7661-17
7. Schwartz, R. J., McCrea, A. C., Gruber, J. R., Hensley, D. W., Verstynen, H. A., Oram, T., Berger, K. T., Splinter, S., Horvath,T. J., and Kerns, R. V., “Remote Infrared Imaging of the Space Shuttle During Hypersonic Flight: HYTHIRM Mission Operations and Coordination,” AIAA Paper 2011-3326, June 2011
8. Taylor, J. C., Gibson, D. M., Spisz, T. S., and Horvath, T. J., “Global Thermography of the Space Shuttle during Hypersonic Re-entry,” AIAA Paper 2011-3324, June 2011
9. Horvath, T. ., Berry, S. ., Alter, S., Blanchard, R., Schwartz, R., Ross, M., and Tack, S., “Shuttle Entry Imaging Using Infrared Thermography,” AIAA-2007-4267, June 2007
10. Horvath, T., Berry, S., Splinter, S., Daryabeigi, K., Wood, W., Schwartz, R., and Ross, M., “Assessment and Mission Planning Capability For Quantitative Aerothermodynamic Flight Measurements Using Remote Imaging,” AIAA-2008-4022, June 2008.
11. Berry, S., Horvath, T., Schwartz, R., Ross, M., Campbell, C., Anderson, B., “IR Imaging of Boundary Layer Transition Flight Experiments,” AIAA-2008-4026, June 2008.
12. Hallion, R. P., “The History of Hypersonics: or, “Back to the Future – Again and Again”,” AIAA Paper 2005-329, Jan. 2005.
13. Blankson, I. M., and Pyle. J. S., “NASA’s Hypersonic Flight Research Program”,” AIAA Paper 1993-0308, Jan. 1993.
14. Schuster, D. M., NASA Aerosciences Perspective on Proposed De-Scope of Ares I-X Developmental Flight Instrumentation,” NESC TI-08-00454, Feb., 2008.
15. Warwick, G., “Darpa, AFRL Prepare To Restage Hypersonic Test Flights,”, May, 2011.
16. Walker, S. H., Sherk, J., Shell, D., Schena, R., Bergmann, J., and Gladbach, J., “The DARPA/AF Falcon Program: The Hypersonic Technology Vehicle #2 (HTV-2) Flight Demonstration Phase,” AIAA Paper 2008-2539, April 2008.
17. Adler, M., Wright, M., Campbell, C., Clark, I., Engelund, W., and Rivellini, T., “Draft Entry, Decent and Landing Roadmap,” Technology Area 09, 2011, (
18. Iannotta, B., “Seeing stars with SOFIA,” Aerospace America, June, 2002.
19. Ross, M., Toohey, D., Peinemann, M., and Ross, P., “Limits on the Space Launch Market Related to Stratospheric Ozone Depletion,” Astropolitics, 7: 1, pp. 50-82, 2009.
20. Tietjen, A. B., Emory, J., wendt, J., “High –Resolution mid-IR Measurements of Atlas in Boost Phase,” Proc. IRIS Specialty Group on Targets, Background and discrimination. 1996.
21. Goldberg, A. C., Tietjen, A. B., “Observation of the Launch Phase of an Atlas V EELV with a Dual-Band QWIP focal Plane Array,” Infrared Spaceborne Remote Sensing XI, Proc., SPIE 5152, pp. 100-144, 2003.
22. Berry, S. A., Horvath, T. J., Greene, F. A., Kinder, G. R., and Wang, K.C., “Overview of Boundary Layer Transition Research in Support of Orbiter Return to Flight,” AIAA-2006-2918, June 2006.
23. Berry, S. A., Kimmel, R., and Reshotko, E., “Recommendations for Hypersonic Boundary Layer Transition Flight Testing,” AIAA Paper 2011-xxx, June, 2011
24. Ross, M., “Time to Get Serious About Rocket Emissions,” Space News, June 8, 2009, p.27.
25. Ailor, W., and Womack, J., “Effects of Space Debris on the Cost of Space Operations,” IAC-10.A6.10, Oct., 2010.
26. Ailor, W., Hallman, W., Steckel, G., and Weaver, M., “Analysis of Reentered Debris and Implications For Survivability Modeling,” Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Space Debris, Darmstadt, Germany, 18-20 April 2005.
27. Taylor, A., Kelly, C., Magner, E., Peterson, D., Hahn, D. and Yuchnovicz, D., “A Review of the NASA MLAS Flight Demonstration,” AIAA Paper 2011-2586 May 2011.
28. Jenniskens, P., Wercinski, P., Oleijniczak, J., Raiche, G., Kontinos D., Allen, G., Desai, P. N., Revelle, D., Hatton, J., Baker, R. L., Russell, R. W., Taylor, M., Rietmeijer, F., “Preparing for Hyperseed MAC: an observing campaign to monitor the entry of the Genesis Sample Return Capsule”, Earth, Moon, and Planets, Vol. 95, pp. 339-360.
29. Jenniskens, P., Wercinski, P. F., Olejniczak, J., Wright, M., Raiche, G., Kontinos, D., Desai, P. N., Spalding, R. E., Sandquist, K., Rossano, G., Russell, R. W., Revelle, D. O., Hladiuk, D., and Hildebrand, A. R., “Surface Heating from Remote Sensing of the Hypervelocity Entry of the NASA Genesis Sample Return Capsule,” AIAA Paper 2006-0381, Jan. 2006.
30. Jenniskens, P., “Observations of the STARDUST Sample Return Capsule Entry with a Slit-less Echelle Spectrograph,” AIAA Paper 2008-1210, Jan., 2010.
31. Stardust Hypervelocity Entry Observing Campaign Support,” NASA Engineering and Safety Center Rept. RP-06-80, 31 Aug. 2006.
32. Jenniskens, P., “Observations of the Stardust Sample Return Capsule Entry with a Slitless Echelle Spectrograph”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 718-735, 2010.
33. Liu, Y., Prabhu, D., Trumble, K. A., Saunders, D., and Jenniskens, P., “Radiation Modeling for the Reentry of the Stardust Sample Return Capsule”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 741-752, 2010.
34. Rairden, R. L., and Jenniskens, P., “Near-Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Stardust SRC Reentry”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 753-756, 2010.
35. Trumble, K. A., Cozmuta, I., Sepka, S., Jenniskens, P., and Winter, M., “Postflight Aerothermal Analysis of Stardust Sample Return Capsule”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 765-774, 2010.
36. Harms, F., Wolf, J., Raiche, G., and Jenniskens, P., “Imaging and Slitless Spectroscopy of the Stardust Capsule Reentry Radiation”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 868-872, 2010.
37. Jenniskens, P., Wilson, M. A., Winter, M., and Laux, C. O., “ Resolved CN Band Profile of Stardust Capsule Radiation at Peak Heating”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 873-877, 2010.
38. Taylor M. J., and Jenniskens, P., “Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Stardust Sample Return Capsule Entry: Detection of Carbon”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 878-883, 2010.
39. Stenbaek-Nielsen, H. C. and Jenniskens, P., “High-Speed Spectrographic Photometry of the Stardust Sample Return Capsule around Peak Deceleration”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 884-888, 2010.
40. Wercinski, P. F., and Jenniskens, P., “Digital Still Snapshots of the Stardust Sample Return Capsule Entry”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 889-894, 2010.
41. Jenniskens, P., Koop, M., and Albers, J., “Intensified Low-Resolution Optical Spectroscopy of the Stardust Sample Return Capsule Entry”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 895-900, 2010.
42. Winter, M. W., and Trumble, K. A., “Near-Ultraviolet Emission Spectroscopy During an Airborne Observation of the Stardust Reentry”, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 59-71, 2011.
43. Grinstead, J. H., Jenniskens, P., Cassell, A. M., Albers, J., and Winter, M. W., “Airborne Observation of the Hayabusa Sample Return Capsule Re-entry”, AIAA Paper 2011-xxx, June 2011 (submitted for publication).
44. Cassell, A. M., Allen, Jr., G. A., Grinstead, J. H., Antimisiaris, M., Albers, J., and Jenniskens, P., “Hayabusa Reentry: Trajectory Analysis and Observation Mission Design”, AIAA Paper 2011-xxx, June 2011 (submitted for publication).
45. De Pasquale, E., Francillout, L., Wasbauer, J-J., Hatton, J., Albers, J., and Steele, D., “ATV Jules Verne Reentry Observation: Mission Design and Trajectory Analysis,” 30th IEEE Aerospace Conference, Paper #1155, Mar. 2009.
46. Grossman, E., “Army Eyes Advanced Hypersonic Weapon,”, Jan., 2007.
47. Norris, G., “Inquiry Begins Into Hypersonic Missile Failure,” Aviation Week & Space Technology, Feb., 2008.
48. “SpacePlane Flight Reset,” Aviation Week & Space Technology, Sept., 28, 2009.
49. Borg, M., Schneider, S., and Juliano, T., ” Effect of Freestream Noise on Roughness-Induced Transition for the X-51A Forebody,” AIAA-2008-592, Jan., 2008.
50. Tumino, G., Basile, L., and Angelino, E., “The IXV Project from Design to Development,” IAC-09 – D2.6.03, 2009.
51. Reibaldi, G., Gavira, J., et. al., “EXPERT: The ESA Experimental Re-entry Test-Bed Programme,” IAC-08 – D2.6, 2008.
52. Dolvin, D., “Hypersonic International Flight Research and Experimentation (HIFiRE) Fundamental Sciences and Technology Development Strategy”, AIAA-2008-2581, April-May, 2008.